Call and preside over meetings.
Approve and provide agendas.
Arrange for special and standing committees.
Govern the association according to WVRMC Bylaws.
Invite guest speakers and coordinate details.
Prepare and send out Constant Contact reminders.
Respond by email or phone to all email questions or delegate to Officers.
Vice President
Resume roles of President in the President’s absence.
Invite guest speakers and coordinate details.
Field Trip Chair
Determine Field Trips for the calendar year and coordinate with the Club Secretary to email members.
Requires exploratory trip prior to every Field Trip for member safety.
Sharing GPS coordinates or maps on social media PROHIBITED.
Remind members to have a filled spare tire, jack, and nut wrench.
Reminding members about Field Trip Guidelines.
Provide First Aid Kit and battery cables.
Promote Good Stewardship towards the desert such as fill in holes and pack out trash.
Secretary / Membership
Update Constant Contact.
Prepare Meeting Highlights after the Club meetings.
Send out Meeting Highlights by Constant Contact.
Input new members in Constant Contact.
Coordination of Officers and Board of Directors terms and elections.
Prepare quarterly financial reports to Board of Directors and periodic updates to membership.
Record deposits, receipts and disbursements.
Work with financial agency for purchasing, record keeping and tax filings.
Incoming and outgoing expenditures for Club.
Compensate guest speakers.
Collect Club merchandise payments.
Incoming and outgoing expenditures for Show.
Pay Trademark filing.
Pay annual fee for post office box and storage unit.